Every Monday we work on a 30 minute kettlebell session. I rotate the workouts approx every 5 or 6 weeks.
You'll need a lighter kettlebell to warmup with and a slightly heavier work kettlebell. If you dont have a lighter bell for a warmup, i recommend simply using a youtube 5 minute bodyweight warmup.
The most recent program is as follows.
Warmup - flowing from one movement to the next with a minimal or no break. Do this sequence once or twice until warm. This phase takes about 5 minutes.
20 halos
10 single arm swings each side
10 American swings
10 deep squat to forward fold stretch
10 goblet/air squats
5 windmills each side
Work - Interval Timer 40 secs work 20 secs rest for 20 minutes. After each rest period move on to the next exercise. You will do this block of 5 exercises 4 times.
Goblet squat
Bent over row
American swing
Halo Press
Alternating Clean & Press
Cool Down
Stretches may change from week to week but, the first session of this series looked like this..... (Instead of doing a five minute sequence of stretching different muscles quickly we're going to hold less stretches but for more time).
Two minute seated hamstring stretch with legs forward. Straight back 'leading with belly button' as it were. Move forward into a light stretch then hold. As your hamstrings relax (if they dont and you still feel tight stay were you are) move further into the stretch. Again, once you feel the hamstrings relax a bit then move further, maybe trying to grab your feet. See how far you can get in two minutes.
Cat cow stretch - 5 - 10 deep breaths in and out the nose.
Childs pose stretch - 5-10 deep breaths in and out the nose
At FEAT Fitness we host five kettlebell training sessions per week in Ditchling Sussex and on Zoom. If you are interested in participating in our fitness sessions take a look at the Kettlebell section of the website https://www.feat-uk.com/kettlebell and don't hesitate to get in touch on Info@feat-uk.com